Fox reported Kanye West past away in a car accident in LA. He was in a car crash involving two luxury vehicles. An LAPD officer witnessed the wreck and saw a red Ferrari and a white Porsche “spinning out of control. The Ferrari (driven by Kanye West) hit the curb and then collided with a pole while the Porsche sped away.” Two people were supposedly arrested and detained by police.
I wanna know what dummy came up with this story. I really hope it was not someone in the media. If it was that means someone needs to be shot for them lame antics they pulling. I have no more to say about this but Kanye West is great and people need to leave Kanye West alone. Fame is a muthafucka I tell you.
i want to chop kaynes nuts off, no jk
INACCURATE geezz man get your facts straight... this picture was circulated by 4chan.org to get people like you all up in arms... it was NEVER on fox's website, ever hear of photoshop? way to fall for it.
every celebrity seems to get their turn at getting death rumors spread about them
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