Every Walk of Life NYC (Walking on Heir)
Walking Tour of NYC Fashion Districts
Sunday July 25, 2010
12:00 PM
203 W. 125th Street NY, NY 10027
(Atmos NYC)
*Corner of 125th & 7th
Walking Tour of NYC Fashion Districts
Sunday July 25, 2010
12:00 PM
203 W. 125th Street NY, NY 10027
(Atmos NYC)
*Corner of 125th & 7th
Please wear comfortable “fly” shoes and prepare for a full day of walking.
We ask that all participants wear HeirPort t-shirts only.
Beginning In Harlem NYC & ending In Soho NYC we will be touring the popular fashion districts in NYC and elevating style with a diverse group of individuals who embody the lifestyle of our brand from Every Walk of Life.
*Throughout the event we will be capturing video and still images to be included in our “Style Elevators” Manual and ad campaign.
Together we will form a living, moving advertisement to enlighten the general public at large to the inspiration behind our garments.
The brand represents individuals aspiring to new heights in not only everyday life but every realm of being, upholding the legacy of humble perseverance and gracious excellence demonstrated by our predecessors. This demonstration will highlight the ground up elevation of our movement in a creative & stylish display of cohesiveness.
Follow @HeirPort for Real Time Updates on Day of Event
for more info:
www.heirportapparel.com | twitter: @HeirPort | facebook.com/heirport
Reply to this email or RSVP to insight@heirportapparel.com
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