Hot R&B group SWV (Sisters With Voices) have reunited and are currently recording a new album! I am very excited for this. SWV def needs to do it again. I hears Lele was selling her body for money because when the group slit she did not have any money. We all know Coco was good and Taj I belive is married to money. SWV was the premier girl group back in the 90s. SWV sold a alot of records. I believe they came before TLC and then TLC came and gave them a run for they money. Here are the girls at a club appearance earlier this week. They still look pretty good right? What do you guys think
Now below is the new video from Jodeci and H-Town called "knockin your heels off". I am all for the 90s celebrity but I be damn if Devante don't look like a fucking crackhead. K-CI seem to have cleaned up a bit because a few months ago he was looking real bad. A 90s reunion is def what we need right now because the music game sucks right now. Hip Hop has become boring and R&B seems to be one sided these days. Anyway check the video out below and let me know what you think.
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