Anyway, people are wilding out on twitter to the max now. Its a subliminal battlefield on twitter. Your own friends is even throwing #shots, giving you the #Kanyeshrug with a *blankstare*.
Fake pages popping up all over place and the fans are making celebrities delete their twitter accounts on a daily basis. The comedians are out of control dissin each other and the fans. @Mainohustlehard be trying get twitter goons on people. @DiamondATL be on Ustream with guns. @NecoleBitchie was trying to get pregnant by @LilTunechi. @IamDiddy is still selling Ciroc on twitter. @MyFabolousLife has been a little lowkey and @CThaGod and @LilDuval are causing all kinds of twitter fights. If you didn't know before now im telling @KimKardashian is making pape for twitter advertisement along with several other celebs so get you followers up. @NickiMinaj & @TrinaROCKSTARR are the top female rappers on twitter and young Nicki is posting twitpics of boobs she signed.
Now people are doing all types of twitter creeping shout out 2 Black Hand @Grafh but @itsJazzyFBaby is talking about Twitter jump offs. The funny part is sometime they pop up in ya DM box lol. Baby mothers and wifeys are using it for jinkies. There seem to be an excessive amount of balling happening on twitter. If you had a party and invited everyone on twitter everyone would be in VIP since that is how people make seem on twitter. Oh and everything is a Movie or ZOO! Lmao. FormSpring is stealing people info. People are being put on blast on a 24/7 basis. Nude pics out and Twitvid sex tapes popping up and just plain old embarrassing shit about people is going down. The message to it all is make you Twitter account with caution because it can make you or break you. Twitter is just pure birdness #ImJustSaying

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