The bad ass 43 year old Stacey Dash which is Dame Dash cousin yes Dame ex CEO of Rocafella records was on The Wendy Williams Show to talk about her date with Jamie Foxx this past week to The Oscars where she rocked a Nicole Miller dress. Stacey said Jamie ask her out when she was on his show doing an interview. Stacey stated that they are friends and like one another.
She talked about he father which she states she is Mexican and black, her marriages where she stated she was engaged 6 times and married 3. Stacey even got personal with Wendy when she said she had sex on the first date with the guys she married and being on Clueless with Britney Murphy. Stacey Dash is also doing a reality show for VH1 so make sure you look out for that. Stacey Dash is def a fav of Jazzy F. and more updates will come. Stay Tuned!

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