Looks like there is trouble in Hollywood. News has surfaced of Ashton Kutcher cheating on Demi Moore and there seem to be evidence to match. I learned about this story from watching Wendy Williams the other day and to put you guys on. Wendy you been starting some trouble. Now the mistress stated she had text and Wendy Williams said bring it on and guess what happen. She brought the text messages on. Check out below for the story on Aston Kutcher cheating on Demi Moore.
Star broke the bombshell news that Ashton Kutcher cheated on Demi Moore — on a sofa in their own home! Now, in a blockbuster exclusive, we reveal the series of texts that the actor sent to his much younger mistress.
In the Oct. 4 issue of Star, on sale today, we have more with 21-year-old Brittney Jones — who had wild sex with the married man after they met at Lucky Strike Lanes in Hollywood in July — including the trail of texts between them chronicling the saga of their relationship.
"Ashton was really paranoid," Brittney tells Star of their electronic exchanges. "My phone was broken at the time, so I couldn't receive or make calls, I could only text."
Despite his concern, he couldn't resist! Hours after Brittney slipped him her number at the bowling alley, they were texting
each other suggestive things like, "what are u wearing now?" They also organized their rendezvous via text. As Star exclusively detailed last week, they met in a parking lot and drove back to Ashton and Demi's $3 million Beverly Hills home. With Demi away on the Detroit set of LOL: Laughing Out Loud, they had sex on the family's couch.
After their tryst — and for over a month after their initial meeting — they continued texting and, in one exchanged Brittney asked, "Whens the next time you're gonna have an empty house?" To which Ashton replied, "Not sure maybe the end of the month." Noting at the time he was "w/ my daughter."
Pick up the Oct. 4 issue of Star today for the bombshell trail of texts as well as more with Brittney about the affair.