Reports of Foxy Brown being removed from Tom Joyner's annual fantastic voyage cruise or shall we say kicked off hit the blogs this week. Tom Joyner went on his radio show to talk about the incident and of course Foxy Brown lashed back. We already know Foxy Brown is a target for media to attach drama to her, so we will never know if it actually happen or not.
Salt N Pepa, Lil Mo, SWV and several other artist performed on the cruise and of course the Brooklyn Don Diva rocked the stage. Foxy Brown has recently lost some weight and has been looking good, but has she lost enough weight to hit the stage channeling her inner Sasha Fierce?
Foxy Brown hit the stage in a leotard and clearly that stomach is still round. Now I can't say much because Foxy has been looking like a knockout and ain't nothing wrong with a little bit of meat on the bones but I don't think she made the right fit choice as she seem to do a lot when its time to perform these days.
Foxy this is not the ill-Nana Chyna Doll days when you had the popping body. Continue to hit that gym and you be back in no time. Foxy you know I love you, I am sure we will run into one another in the Brooklyn streets. Check out below what Foxy had to say about Tom Joyner.
SO I’m up packing my Luby’s and Kirkwoods to meet my pumpkin Shyne in Belize for a lil’ vacay…..and I get a call that Tom joyner is on the radio disrespecting me….again! OKAY NOW MR. JOYNER, your old enough to be my grandfather which is why I let your distasteful comments in our interview go without putting you in your place. Obviously, you equated my silence with weakness. My maturation with passivity. Grandpa you need to learn some respect, I’m the wrong one to romp wit you will get checked!!
Lying ass! It was absolutely nothing but LUV from my arrival to the day I left. Hugs from Monie Love and kisses from Dougie Fresh….I tore the stage down! That’s the thanks I get?? U wait til’ I leave the ship and then 2 days later your on the air saying negative shit!
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